People Pointing Fingers at a Stressed Woman

Is Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Illegal?

The legality of same-sex sexual harassment, an issue cloaked in a significant amount of ambiguity, demands closer examination. Despite the protections supposedly offered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the interpretation and application of these protections to instances of same-sex sexual harassment remain a contentious issue. This discourse will explore the intricacies of…

Woman Sitting at the Desk with Receipts

Can a Company Refuse to Hire a Recovering Drug Addict?

In the world of business and employment, a pertinent question often arises: Can a company legitimately refuse employment to a recovering drug addict? While the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) offer legal protections against discrimination, the complexities of enforcing drug-free workplace policies whilst offering necessary accommodations to individuals in recovery pose…

Woman Comforting the Upset Man

Can an Employer Fire You for Taking Prescribed Medication?

The question of whether an employer can terminate an employee for using prescribed medication brings to light a complex intersection of employment law, medical privacy rights, and disability accommodations. While initial perceptions might lean towards the inviolability of medical prescriptions, the matter isn’t so straightforward, particularly when the medication in question has the potential to…

Men Sitting at the Table

Can You Be Fired for Having to Care for a Sick Relative?

The intersection of professional responsibilities and personal caregiving duties often creates a complex conundrum, raising a pertinent question: can you be dismissed from your job if you need to care for a sick relative? While laws like the Family and Medical Leave Act provide some protection, there are instances where these regulations may not be…

Man in Gray Suit Jacket Sitting Beside Woman in Gray Blazer

When Your Boss Disagrees With Your Doctor

In the complex maze of professional relationships, one of the most challenging situations is when your superior doesn’t agree with your physician’s advice. This could involve matters as diverse as work restrictions, accommodations, or even temporary leave. The challenge lies in balancing your rights and health priorities against your professional obligations and expectations. The conversation…

Person Taking Picture of Devices

Can I Be Fired for Social Media Posts?

In the digital age, where personal and professional lines often blur, the impact of social media posts on employment stability has become a contentious issue. It is undeniable that employees’ online activities can greatly influence their professional standing. While some argue that personal social media platforms should remain a bastion of free speech, others maintain…

Happy female traveler walking on airport street with luggage

Estimates for Intermittent Leave Under the FMLA Are Not Ironclad

In the landscape of employee rights, the estimates for intermittent leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) stand as a topic of considerable ambiguity. This uncertainty arises from the inherently unpredictable nature of health conditions, which can lead to varied and inconsistent leave periods. While these estimates provide a general framework, they may…

Crop ethnic client discussing problems with anonymous psychologist

Can Worker Take More Than 12 Weeks of Medical Leave?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) grants employees the right to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid medical leave per year, but what happens when an employee requires a longer period of leave? While some may assume that exceeding the 12-week mark is not possible, it’s worth considering the potential flexibility within the…